School Proyect

"Stories that Will Inspire: Shocking Interview"

-Salome Gechem

"Welcome to our blog! This week, we are pleased to present to you an exclusive interview with Dorothy Vaughan, an important mathematician in our society, and Kevin Hart. Dorothy Vaughan is known for being one of the first black women to get into NASA. Kevin Hart managed to be one of the most successful comedians in the world, filling stadiums on his stand-up tours.

We also have some super interesting stories from the daily lives of 2 of my good friends.

In this fascinating conversation, we will explore the lives of people who marked our lives and discover how they achieved it. Are you ready to immerse yourself in this intriguing interview? Keep reading to find out more!

First, we have the famous Kevin Hart, for those who don't know who he is I got you a little biography about him:

Dorothy Vaughan (1910-2008) was a prominent American mathematician and programmer who worked at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), later known as NASA. Born in Kansas City, Missouri, she graduated from Wilberforce University and began her career in 1943 in the segregated "West Area Computing" department at NACA. In 1949, she became the first African American supervisor at NACA. Vaughan adapted to emerging technology by learning FORTRAN and contributed significantly to the success of NASA's early space missions. Her life exemplifies resilience, inclusive leadership, and commitment to equality. His legacy was highlighted in the book and movie "Hidden Figures."


Now, I will do an interview for her to tell me some interesting things about. Keep watching if you want to see how it ends and maybe you could find something interesting!


What an interesting interview wasn´t it?

I hope you don´t think thats all we got do you? We still have another awasome interview left for you.

But now is with a total oposite diferent character, Dorothy Vaughan's life is a testament to how perseverance, education, and leadership can make a lasting, positive impact on society and scientific and technological advancement.

As with Dorothy, We got you a litte biography about this amazing and incredible man:

 Kevin Hart, born July 6, 1979 in Philadelphia, is an American comedian, actor and producer. He got his start in comedy in local clubs, gaining fame with his stand-up specials such as "I'm a Grown Little Man." He has starred in hit films such as "Ride Along" and "Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle." Additionally, he founded HartBeat Productions and is a best-selling author. Hart has overcome personal challenges, including a serious accident in 2019, establishing him as a leading figure in the entertainment industry.

I hope you liked this amazing interviews and learned some valuable things that inspire you to be great, make you follow your dreams and be a wonderfull person.
